Drawing artistic inspiration from home design masters, it has more than 200 new design works coming out every year, and is committed to creating a fashionable office space that can stimulate creativity.以設計靈魂勾勒辦公空間,生而與眾不同,視覺審美與實用功能結合,整體大氣、科技、時尚,打動人心,于細節之處彰顯高雅
view more企業管理者當有配套的辦公家具與之相輝映,歐時行政高管系列,以其穩重大氣的外觀,智能科技的配置、人性潮流的設計,創造專屬于您的個性化辦公空間。
view more簡潔利落的線條,剛勁有力的造型,充滿科技的金屬外圍渾然一體,以精工技術,打造整體質感;以精工態度,傳達新生代商務的品味與追求。
view more時尚簡約設計風格,流暢的線條設計,打造時尚的商務空間沙發采用人體工學設計,坐享舒適,配套茶幾不添加任何繁雜的雕飾,時刻呈現輕松舒適的氛圍。
view more歐時家具與工業物理學家攜手創制,榮獲多國設計專利,糅合人體工學概念,令同步傾仰功能發揮盡善盡美,特有的座椅曲線,有助糾正坐姿,讓盆骨獲得較好的保護與承托
view more演繹著新時代特有的浪漫,純真,寧靜和自然
AUS furniture, the company has set up warehouse centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Xi'an, to meet the regional customers single-day orders, the next day goods delivery service needs.歐時采用的標準板源自未經污染的環保森林區,林區內的伐木量受到嚴格控制,產品符合國際FSC認證及環保E-1級標準
The standard boards adopted by EUROtime are derived from unpolluted green forest areas, where logging is strictly controlled and the products comply with international FSC certification and E-1 environmental standards我們致力于原創設計,高科技環保產品的創造,始終遵循“設計以環境為先”的理念,注重人與自然、社會與環境的有機結合。
We are committed to original design, the creation of high-tech environmental protection products, always follow the "design environment first" concept, pay attention to the organic combination of human and nature, society and environment.產品經過103道匠心工序,整體成品符合ISO質量管理體系生產要求,苛刻的制作工藝及態度,造就歐時高品質辦公家具
After 103 craftsmanship process, the whole finished product conforms to the production requirements of ISO quality management system, and the harsh production technology and attitude make the high-quality office furniture of Europe and Europe產品力學及甲醛檢測設備齊全,對產品的各項性能進行檢測,為產品研發到投放市場提供有效品質保障
Product mechanics and formaldehyde detection equipment is complete, to test the performance of the product, for the product research and development to the market to provide effective quality assurance提供個性化定制服務,免費空間規劃,免費上門測量,免費設計方案,免費配送,免費安裝,產品質保5年,終生免費保養
Provide personalized customized services, free space planning, free door-to-door measurement, free design scheme, free distribution, free installation, product warranty for 5 years, free maintenance for life東方豪威進駐辦公家具行業,主要為國內名企辦公家具品牌提供OEM定制服務。
Oriental Howe entered the office furniture industry, mainly for domestic famous enterprise office furniture brand to provide OEM customized services.引進意大利SMC國際品牌家具制造設備,改進工藝、品質出眾,更值得信賴,為產品品質飛躍墊基。
Import Italy SCM equipment, Improved production process for high quality.打造精良的設計、研發、制造、銷售團隊,為產值飛躍墊基。
Create a elite team in design.research manufacturing and sales team for improving the value.總產值達到1.25億元人民幣。同期出口額占63.2%;大陸市場部分占36.8%
The total value of out-put got 125,000,000 RMB.Pecentage of export was 63.2%, Interior was 36.8%.引進德國Laauser企業精良的設計理念和匠心的制造工藝。
Import advaced manufacturing process and design idea from Laauser .Germany.拓展自主品牌,AUS歐時新企業標識的誕生,完成企業品牌升級,提高產品品質及品牌的價值觀。
Expanding self-owned brand, A new Aus indentification was born,Product quality and brand value were improved.AUS歐時(上海)生產基地落成,品牌生產規模擴大,形成完整大型生產展廳營銷模式。
Aus (Shanghai) production base was set up .A big manufacturing .exhibition and sale system was built improve our integrity.AUS歐時榮獲,德國iF Design Award設計大獎金獎、德國2010 Red Dot紅點設計大獎
AUS won the gold metal of Germany IF Design Award and Germany 2010Red Dot Design Award.以現代化辦公家具為主要優勢,整合全體系家具生產模式。
Fashion style is the main advantage.Though it we intergrade a whole system on furniture model.AUS歐時進駐香港,正式掛牌,成立香港歐時傢俬國際集團有限公司。
Aus enter in Hongkong, formally established in Hongkong, Aus furniture international Group was set up.為滿足更多客戶的需求,AUS歐時民用家具摩卡系列產品正式在上海生產基地下線,豐滿了民用家具市場的需求。
In order to settle for more client`s requirment, Aus civil furniture-series“Mocha” rolls off the production line in Shanghai.Eurich the civil furniture market requirment.香港歐時集團將全面進入互聯網,打造互聯網O2O運營平臺,進一步擴大市場足跡,力求完善終端客戶的購物體驗。
Aus Group get in touch with internet to create the Internet O2O operating platform, to further expand the market footprint, and strive to improve the end customer Purchase experience.AUS歐時全線引進德國HOMAG豪邁數控無人化CNC制作中心,讓AUS歐時全系產品工藝升級.
AUS European time has introduced HOMAG HOMAG CNC unmanned production center to upgrade the process of all AUS European time products.AUS歐時辦公家具北京品牌體驗館新館投入使用,建立起歐時家具品牌與消費者的情感紐帶,引領消費者的體驗和互動。
AUS Eurotime Office Furniture Beijing Brand Experience Pavilion has been put into use, establishing the emotional bond between Eurotime furniture brands and consumers, and leading consumers' experience and interaction.目前企業辦公家具備受青睞的采購方式時一站式采購,需要的辦公家具可以一次性解決,既方便快捷又符合企業定位以及形象。辦公家具...